The basic discussion revolved around the emergence of a global 'intelligence' and how this could be the key to effectively addressing climate change. It was a thoroughly enjoyable morning and John and I vowed to get along to more of this sort of forum in the future.
I'm a big fan of Adams and his ABC Radio National show 'Late Night Live'. It is always interesting, always funny, always thought provoking and sometimes surprising. Follow the link and download a podcast.

A couple of illos for Penthouse magazine. The first was going to be for a series of fake 'B' movie posters. This one was 'Attack of the 50 DD Woman'. Clever, huh? Yeh right. It only lasted the one jape before a change of editor and the whole thing was scrapped (I assume).
The other illo was for the 'cartoon girls' done sexy thing. I don't know how many people remember the 'Wacky Races' show, but one of the main characters was a femme fatale called 'Penelope Pitstop'. Other memorable characters from this cartoon were Peter Perfect, Dick Dastardly, the Gruesome Twosome and the Ant Hill Mob.